New Century Noah Text® Lessons for Dyslexic Readers

A digital curriculum for 4th grade reading level and above

Helps learners reading below grade level


The New Century Education Noah Text® Lesson Plan is an online tool for improving reading comprehension catered specifically to students with reading comprehension (or dyslexic) challenges.

To give you a sense of what Noah Text® looks like, this paragraph has been rendered in Noah Text®.

Oral Reading Fluency

Students work on lessons built around engaging chapter books to cement the knowledge they gain from more effective decoding. Reading passages are accompanied by read-aloud software that helps them improve fluency.   End-of-lesson assessments rendered in plain text show that the benefits of reading Noah Text® carry over to plain text reading.

Decoding Language

Noah Text® helps students decode new vocabulary, making it easier to divide unfamiliar multi-syllable words into smaller parts for faster comprehension, with less cognitive effort.

Vocab Comprehension

After reading chapter book passages, students practice using new vocabulary, thereby increasing their comprehension of what they’ve read. TABE scores rose an average of 11 points after students engaged with the lessons, and some students were able to pass HiSET tests for the first time.

Dyslexia Intervention for Older Students

We provide an intervention for middle school, high school, and adult learners.  So many students  struggle to get beyond the fifth grade level, because at the fifth grade level academic language becomes multisyllabic. The Barbara Bush Foundation  reports that over 100 million adults cannot read beyond the six grade level.

Our combination of using Noah Text® to help decode words, teaching vocabulary ( the key to comprehension), segmenting and blending words (to help students decode), and teaching the "letter chunks" to decode words, all help students to improve their scores on plain text assessments.  In three months, our studies have shown men making entire grade level improvements in comprehension on Tabe scores.

There are lots of scaffolds and supports within the software to help students decode and read. The software is designed for each student to use it as quickly or slowly as needed. We have found that the teachers require limited input.   We have also found that students improve in the comprehension questions over time, after reading a story book series about a young man who time travels.   Each lesson includes a chapter from this chapter book series.  The story is liked by both men and women.  There are 72 lessons in the intervention.   The women asked if there was 4th book  of lessons.

 We can help your students get beyond the fifth grade level and move up to higher levels.

Sign Up for a Demo

  • Schools and Institutions

    Are you a public school or education institute interested in our software?

  • Correctional Education

    Are you a correctional education program in either Juvenile or Adult Incarceration?

  • Special Ed Students

    Do you teach or work with Special education students with learning or physical disabilities?

  • At-Risk Students

    Do you teach students at risk of dropping out of the school system or falling behind the rest of their class?

  • Adult Basic Ed-Students

    Are you an adult or teaching adult education in english, math, or other language arts?


You can help a child succeed with dyslexia

You can help a child succeed with dyslexia.  $54.61 covers the cost of working with a student.  Consider a gift of 5 students for $273.05.

Here at New Century Education Foundation, we are initiating larger research studies costing $100,000 with Middle School Students and the incarcerated, where Dyslexia is highly concentrated. Consider a gift of $500 to help us reach this goal.

Learn About Our Other Program:
The Intelligent Tutoring System